Free download: Fabric Cutting Diagram

diagram showing how to cut the fabric yardageI created this fabric cutting diagram for complex quilts, but I might just use it for all my quilts. In the “measure twice, cut once” world a visual representation of what you’re going to cut counts for a lot! Here’s a completed example using one of the fabrics for my Bright Sisters quilt (pictures of that work-in-progress coming soon).

If you’d like to use the Cutting Diagram for your own quilts, download a copy of the blank one here:

Fabric Cutting Diagram (19314 downloads )

Print as many copies as you like for personal use only and feel free to share it with friends as long as the QuiltSmith copyright stays on the bottom.

If you’d like to use it in a workshop that you get paid for, print it in a book, or use it for another commercial purpose, you need to ask my permission first.


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