Blogger’s Quilt Festival!

What a lovely idea: an online quilt festival featuring quilts by bloggers! The Blogger’s Quilt Festival is hosted by Amy Ellis (Amy’s Creative Side). I discovered it this year for the first time and I’m delighted to share Jude’s Foxes as my entry in the Fall 2017 Edition. I completed Jude’s Foxes earlier this year…

First place ribbon at the fair!

Today was the first chance I had to visit the Sonoma County Fair and see my quilt Jude’s Foxes on display — and there it was, with a blue first place ribbon attached! I am astonished, delighted, and thrilled. It’s the first quilt I’ve ever entered in a fair of any kind. I’m so honored…

Jude’s Foxes

This quilt was created for my nephew Jude. He and my son are only six months apart in age, so poor Jude didn’t get a baby quilt when he was born like his older sister did. As partial compensation for a baby quilt delivered 17 years late, I asked him for his input on the…