This Week in the City Sampler

It’s so exciting to see all the blocks coming together as we get closer to the end of this project. Other quilters have been posting collages of their blocks together and I’m impatient to see everyone’s completed quilt tops. We still have a few blocks to go, though. This week is all about squares, or…

This week in the City Sampler

We’re getting close! This week we passed #75, three-fourths of the way through the project. I’m more or less settled in the new place — at least, both my sewing machine and my computer are set up and operational. That counts, right? — and so far I’m still keeping up with the daily block schedule….

This Week in the City Sampler

The Move happened this week, so some of these blocks were made right before I left and the rest were made right after I got there. Naturally, the sewing machine was the last thing I packed, and I carried it in the car along with all the basics I would need to keep going on…

This Week in the City Sampler

It’s moving day and the truck will be here any moment… so this is short and sweet! This week’s lineup: (At this point the movers arrived, so I showed them around and am now hastily finishing the post so I can pack up my computer… always the last thing to go!) That’s it for this…