We finished the first section, crosses, and have moved into rectangles — easy to cut, easy to piece! Here is this week’s lineup of Tula Pink City Sampler blocks:

I’ve started keeping track of the number of blocks I need in each color combination to achieve the rainbow effect in the Gridlock layout. I’m trying to stick to my original fabric pull, but every now and then I’m bringing in a new print or solid to round out a block. For instance, the fish print in block #21 is my own design available at Spoonflower.
These blocks are from Tula Pink’s City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks and they were created for the #100days100blocks2018 sew-along hosted by Gnome Angel.
These are so much fun! And great fabrics…
Thank you! Some of the fabrics are unusual choices for me but I’m having fun experimenting with them 🙂