We’re hip-deep in triangles now and I’m having mixed results. For the life of me I can’t put two pieces together and get a correctly-sized half-square triangle the first time. When I use the oversized method to make multiple half-square triangles and trim them down, they are perfect. (I mean, naturally! They’re oversized and then trimmed down, how could they not be?) But my flying geese have clipped wings and my pieced triangles are a trial to work with. At any rate, here is the first set of triangle blocks:

Blocks 40 and 41 use some of the fabric I designed (that’s Large River in Sky and Dark River in Sky). Oh, and can you spot the hairy eyeball(s) in block 42? I was really careful to line them all up correctly… and then when it was all sewn together, I discovered I’d erred. I kept it, though. Our mistakes prove we’re human.
These blocks are from Tula Pink’s City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks and they were created for the #100days100blocks2018 sew-along hosted by Gnome Angel.