Bonus Block: Butterfly Charm Block (Pepper)

quilted lines on batting
Quilting on reverse of bonus block Butterfly

I included this block in my Splendid Sampler quilt because I came across the pattern while working on the Sampler and it delighted me. I added a little extra framing to make it the right size, since the pattern has the blocks finishing at 5″ instead of the 6″ needed for the Sampler. I love how bright and cheerful it is!

When I quilted it, I wanted to use shapes inside the wings that look like butterfly spots, so I chose teardrops with nested loops inside. Outside the butterfly, I quilted swirls to look like air or wind. I echoed close to the butterfly to make the shape stand out. Finally, I quilted inside the edges of the yellow frame and diagonally at each corner.

quilted block
Butterfly Closeup

The Pepper Butterfly Charm Block was designed by Nicole Young of Lillyella Stitchery.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. nicole young says:

    beautiful! I love the quilting!

    1. ninmah says:

      Thank you, Nicole! It’s such a lovely block design!

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