Quilt finish: Kinniken’s Dragon

I’m pleased to present my version of the Boomerang quilt: Kinniken’s Dragon. This one is headed out to my brother on the east coast. The minute I saw the Boomerang pattern by Jaybird Quilts, I knew I wanted to make it. I also loved the way Angela Walters quilted the one on the cover of…

Quilt Finish: A Walk in the Garden

The pace of my quilting has slowed quite a bit since I started a new job in March, but the travel ban gave me an unexpected two-week staycation in July. I put it to good use, and here is the result: A Walk in the Garden. Finishing at a whopping 88” x 107”, it’s the…

Quilt Finish: Sea Glass

Presenting my first finish of 2020: Sea Glass. I started piecing this quilt in March of 2019, when I was hip-deep in quilting The Color of Time on my domestic machine. At some point, I needed a break from wrestling the giant quilt so I decided — why not? — to start a new project….

Quilt Finish: Interwoven

Presenting my final finish of 2019: Interwoven! This is the seventh quilt I completed in 2019. The pattern is from Lo and Behold Stitchery. I used Kona cotton solids for the top, backing, and binding. It was pieced and quilted with Aurifil 50-weight cotton thread and it’s filled with Warm & Natural cotton batting.* I…

Bright Sisters is finished!

I’m so excited to share that I have finally finished Bright Sisters, my version of the Color Block quilt from 3 Dog Design. It’s been gifted to my amazing and talented sister, Sonja Stone, who loves it and will give it a good home. She writes young adult suspense novels, by the way. If you’re…

Quilt Finish: The Color of Time

I’m pleased to present the largest quilt I’ve completed to date: The Color of Time. It finished at 90″ x 108″ and I pieced and quilted it on my sit-down machines. The pattern is adapted from Dimensions by Amy Ellis of Amy’s Creative Side, which includes instructions for twin and king quilts but not a…

Presenting: Wheel of the World

My first honest-to-goodness commissioned quilt is finished! Here is Wheel of the World: If you live in the Pacific Northwest and you want to see it in person, it will be hanging in the Everett Quilt Show next week (April 25-27) in Everett, WA. This quilt began its journey nearly two years ago with a…

Sun and Shadow, Earth and Sky

Presenting my latest finish, 21 years in the making: Sun and Shadow, Earth and Sky. Years ago, I started this quilt for friends of mine who were about to have their first baby. The “baby” is now almost old enough to drink, but I finally finished his quilt. The fatal combination of not owning a…

13 Things I Learned while Making That Awful Quilt

I made these nine Ohio Star blocks almost 20 years ago for a swap, but I didn’t send them. I can’t recall now whether I dropped out or remade new blocks to send, but I clearly remember thinking that I could never inflict these monsters on some poor innocent quilter. The points were either floating…

Quilt Finish: Sea Diamonds

I’ve just managed to squeeze one more completed quilt into 2018: Sea Diamonds! I finished turning the binding about two hours ago. It’s a lovely sunny day so I found some evenly lit spots for the photo shoot, and here it is! The pattern is called Diamonds in the Deep and is by Kirsty of…

David’s Critters: The finished quilt!

This one came together so quickly that I didn’t even take progress photos! I made it for my son, who is almost-but-not-quite too old for a critter quilt. Just sneaked it in under the wire 🙂 The pattern was designed by Wendi Gratz of Shiny Happy World and is available in her shop. I highly…

Blogger’s Quilt Festival!

What a lovely idea: an online quilt festival featuring quilts by bloggers! The Blogger’s Quilt Festival is hosted by Amy Ellis (Amy’s Creative Side). I discovered it this year for the first time and I’m delighted to share Jude’s Foxes as my entry in the Fall 2017 Edition. I completed Jude’s Foxes earlier this year…

Jude’s Foxes

This quilt was created for my nephew Jude. He and my son are only six months apart in age, so poor Jude didn’t get a baby quilt when he was born like his older sister did. As partial compensation for a baby quilt delivered 17 years late, I asked him for his input on the…