Quilting on reverse of block 58 Homeward Bound
I love this block design! I really like flying geese blocks, though I don’t use them often, and the graduated color and scale in this one are very pleasing. With the quilting, I wanted to emphasize the sense of motion by making lines that ‘stream’ out from the corners of the triangles. I think I was only partially successful.
The strong diagonals of the paper-pieced seams compete with the quilting in a way I didn’t anticipate. If I had it to do over again, I think I would outline the triangles but then quilt lines that echo the diagonal seams outward to the corners, instead of crossing the seams as I did. I think that would have given the sense of motion that I wanted without interfering with the seam lines.
I do love the way the quilting looks on the back. Still, done is better than perfect! And here it is on my design wall:
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound is block 58 of the Splendid Sampler and was designed by Kelly Liddle.
I thought it was perfect until you described what you would’ve done differently, then I agreed with you, lol. Still, it’s lovely!